Category Archives: Online CPR Certification

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CPR and First Aid Training Is A Must For Childcare Providers

Knowing how to care for the children if you work with them or if you have them at home is essential. Children are always prone to injuries that need attention. You need to be able to know what to do in case of certain injuries or illnesses. This means that you should be able to perform CPR on children and be able to take care of them just in case they become victims of injuries or even certain illnesses. If you don’t already know CPR, the good news is that you can get CPR Certified Online. You can even get First Aid Training online as well. Being trained in these two areas may help save a life.

The First Aid Skills You Should Know:

It has been reported that over 12,000 kids every year die from injuries such as drowning, poisoning, falls, burns, and incidents that arise from road traffic that are all preventable. A lot of overlap exists in the CPR and the first aid skills both for children and the adults. However, you should focus on a few skills and techniques that you should possess when providing care to the children.

The Heimlich Maneuver

Both adults and children can chock on food at times. However young children are constantly putting things into their mouth thus increasing the risk of choking from some of them. In such situation, you can perform Heimlich maneuver on the child do dislodging whatever they are chocking on. In this process, you put a sudden pressure between the rib-cage and navel on the abdomen.

CPR For Children

Rarely do kids require CPR but in the case where the child has a heart problem or even a chronic illness or even when a kid is drowning. You serve the role of a lifeguard if you are working with the kids in an aquatic environment or when you are working with the kids that have special needs which increase the chances of being vulnerable to cardiac arrest or other chronic illnesses. This makes it very relevant to possess CPR skills.

There exists a slight difference between the CPR for kids and that for the adults. In addition to CPR, studies indicate that kids do well with rescue breaths since their chests are shallower thus they require a shallower compression than that of the adults. When studying CPR, make sure that you take the training components available that focus on CPR for children. The training is worth considering if you spend time with the children mostly.

Burn Treatments

Often, children do not hesitate to grab hot pots, or to hold onto something hot in the kitchen. Most of the time, children have been seen to suffer from burns which makes them the most common forms of accidents among the children. When taking care of the kids, being aware of the first aid measures to take when a child suffers from burns is very essential. This is because, with the possession of such skills, you can be able to take care of the burnt kid until the arrival of the ambulance so that the kid can then be taken to the hospital.

Basic First Aid For Wounds

Children play rough most of the times which exposes them to wounds which at times may not be just scraped. It is relevant to understand the basic first aid skills for wounds in children which involve how to compress the wounds to stop bleeding, treat eye wounds, ice a swelling and also to deal with splinters to keep the child stable and also to create enough time for the emergency responders to arrive.

Treating Allergies

Nowadays, allergies are very common incidences both in adults and the children. Some children are severely allergic to some form of nuts, bee stings, as well as other things in the environment. It is necessary to be aware of the kind of allergy that the child suffers from. Also, it is necessary to possess the skills that can help you manage allergy in a child. Being aware of allergic reactions and how to handle the anaphylaxis as well as other life-threatening forms of allergy is very essential.

Treating Broken Bones And Sprains

Kids can break their bones in accidental incidences or even other traumatic events. Being aware of what to do to keep the child stable is very relevant since it creates enough time for the ambulance to arrive. Such skills can be acquired when one takes the CPR courses online or even being admitted to an institution that offers the same.

Asthma Care

There exist many kids who suffer from asthma, and it is not a wonder for kids to suffer from asthmatic episodes especially when the children do activities that strain their bodies or even in the event of stress. Acquiring skills to recognize when the kid is under asthmatic stress and how to manage it are essential.

Check our CPR Courses & First Aid Courses

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Adult CPR/AED & Standard First Aid Training

Adult-Child-Infant CPR/AED Training

Online Adult, Child, Infant CPR Classes & First Aid Training

Online First Aid Course & Certification

CPR Online Classes

BLC CPR Certification Online

Online First Aid Course Canada

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standard first aid online training courses and certification

Are you Afraid to Perform CPR?

The number of people trained in CPR is somewhat less than one might expect. This is rather unfortunate since performing CPR can double or even triple the chance someone lives. Ideally, everyone would be taught CPR in school as part of their core curriculum. However, that’s not the case and some people are even fearful of trying to perform CPR.

Fear of Hurting the Critical Person

Most of the people have this fear in the essence that they might hurt the victim rather than giving the intended relief. And, improper CPR can cause injury, such as damaging the inner rib structure. But, when done correctly, CPR is much more likely to save someone’s life than it is to hurt them.

Fear of Being Sued

What if somebody files a lawsuit against you for administering CPR on them? The chance of this happening is low as their are protectionist laws in most countries. It is very unlikely that you get sued for performing CPR, but to be on the safe side you should undergo formal CPR training so that you can be sure you are performing the procedure correctly.

Fear of Performing CPR Incorrectly

This is one of the most common fears for lost of people giving CPR assistance. If you’ve never performed CPR before, it is natural to be afraid the first time your skills are needed. However, like with anything else, the more you use those skills the more proficient you become and the more natural it feels. Renewing your CPR certificate is a good way to stay on top of your game.

Fear of Catching Disease

You might be unaware of the medical conditions of the victim to whom you are going to give CPR. The fear of catching the same communicable disease is a reason why people get reluctant in helping the person in medical crises. Mouth guards are common for medical professionals, but even if you have one you might find yourself in a situation where you don’t have it with you. The good news is that in many situations, mouth to mouth resuscitation isn’t necessary and chest compressions alone are very effective.

The best way to put your mind at ease is to take a CPR training course. Thanks to modern technology, you can become CPR certified by taking an online exam. has several courses to choose from, and often, you can complete the course in less than an hour.

Adult-Child-Infant CPR / AED online training courses and certification

Why Every Babysitter Should Have CPR Training

Finding an adequate babysitter is easier than ever. There are online websites and apps that make the process smooth and click-button easy. You can get past references, look at reviews, do criminal background checks, and more all from your phone or web browser.  One thing that not everyone might know to check for is whether the babysitter knows CPR. This is super important for the safety and well being of your child, as you never know when an accident will happen. These days, there is no excuse for a babysitter, or anyone else, not to know the life saving skills that CPR training provides. Anyone can take an online CPR training course from the comfort of their own home. If you are a babysitter, or other caregiver, that is on the fence about getting a CPR certificate, think about the following benefits:

  • CPR Training Allows you to Properly Assess the Emergency Situation
  • CPR Training Gives the ability to Analyze the Immediate Need of the Victim
  • CPR Training Provides Necessary Life-Saving Skills When Seconds Matter
  • CPR Training Allows You to Keep a Cool and Level Head when facing an Emergency
  • CPR Training Means Knowing to Always Call for an Emergency Response Team. 

When there is a life on the line, particularly when you’ve been entrusted to care for that specific individual, learning CPR is essential. It can honestly be the difference between life and death. If you need a CPR certificate, have a look at the affordable courses available from If you are a parent, always ensure that your babysitter of choice is CPR Certified.