hands only CPR

Save Lives through Hands-Only CPR

Irregular heartbeats in cardiac arrest disturbs the blood flow to lungs, brain and other organs which can ultimately lead to death. Reaching the hospital on time or getting the quickest first aid are the only possible ways to save life. American heart association claims 90% of the deaths from cardiac arrest are due to unavailability of nearest hospital. Immediate CPR either from mouth-to-mouth breaths or by hands is the life saver in this situation. Some people think that hands-only CPR is not as effective as CPR with breaths. CPR with breaths is actually compression of chest along with oxygen delivery through mouth. This provides the oxygen artificially for circulation. CPR with breath requires special skills of an expert. Finding an expert nearby a cardiac arrest patient is as risky as reaching the hospital on time. Here comes the need of Hands-only CPR which can be done by anyone who knows the basic procedure. In this technique, both hands are pushed fast and hard in the center of the chest in a speed just like a song with 100-120 beats per minute. Doing this for first few minutes of arrest pushes the remaining oxygen through the body to keep the organs working until an expert arrives or the person reaches hospital. Thus, hands only CPR will buy the time for CPR or medical aid which usually is not very near to the sufferer. Getting immediate hands-only CPR from the nearest available person increases the chances of survival after the cardiac arrest. While CPR with breaths is applied to individuals of all ages such as adults, children, infants and teens, Hands-only CPR is recommended only for teens and adults. Let us spread the word to save more lives by providing immediate hands-only CPR aid to the nearest victim.

SimpleCPR.com, a fully accredited agency, offers easy online training and CPR certification that follows AHA guidelines. You can view the online courses at your own pace and take the certification test when you are ready. The best part is, all of the courses are valid in all 50 states (and Canada) and they come with a money-back guarantee.

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