Cheating Death: CPR To The Rescue

How do you thank a stranger for saving your life? That’s the question Andrea D’Amore-Braver ponders since her brush with death. D’Amore-Braver experienced cardiac arrest during dinner, and two strangers took immediate CPR action until medics arrived. The quick-thinking men acted swiftly and smartly enough that D’Amore-Braver suffered no brain damage either. Over 300,000 people […]

Hip-Hop CPR

CPR is going HIP-HOP, hitting the mash-up fans of DJ Earworm. Earworm agreed to team up with The AHA to promote CPR to his fans because of a horrible situation that left him feeling helpless. “I had to administer CPR and it didn’t turn out so well.The thing that I remember very distinctly was that […]

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and CPR

Many people equate Sudden Cardiac Arrest with a heart attack, but that is simply not the case. While a heart attack is caused by a a blockage in a vessel that supplies blood to the heart, Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions and the heart stops beating. Both of these conditions […]