Online CPR Training

Mistakes to Avoid while Giving CPR

CPR is a procedure which requires your consistent attention and doing it on a person who is struggling for life is much more critical than what you realize. Giving instant life support is not an easy task. It is a must to maintain coordination between your mental essence and physical body postures.

Below are the blunders to avoid while pursuing CPR on a patient:

1. Not Counting Loudly:

You might remember that counting aloud is an efficient part of CPR training. It is an integral part through which you can keep on track the frequency of giving CPR. Also, it helps the other medical care professionals know the exact stage you are in should they need to take over.

2. Not Applying Enough Pressure

The most critical point to focus on while giving CPR is the amount of pressure required. Generally people take it lightly by misleading the amount of pressure that is required to provide an adequate positive effect. Not applying enough pressure is ineffective, but too much pressure can damage the patient. It is important to get things just right, which is why adequate CPR training, even online CPR training, is so beneficial.

3. Not Calling for Additional Help

Even if you know CPR and have used it in the past, you should still call an ambulance (or other medical care provider depending on the circumstance). Often additional life support is necessary time is usually a crucial factor. Play it safe and always call for help.

4. Not Following the Basics

Sometimes even professional medical staff forget to follow basic rules during routine procedures.  One such rule is to check the pulse after analyzing the condition of the sufferer. It will give you an accurate real-time evaluation to rely upon to give future treatment accordingly. Other rules apply, of course, depending on the situation, but always keep your cool and cover the basics.

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