Category Archives: General Health


Supplements, Do You Need Them?

Many people think taking supplements for their general health is the right choice while others disagree. Who is right? The reason for taking supplements is to fulfill the body’s needs when you might not get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from the food that you eat. But, the question arises: do we really need supplements?

The answer is: It depends on your individual circumstance. In an ideal world, no one would require supplements. However, if we do an analysis of today’s food then the result will totally shock you. The quality of food has been decreasing year after year which means a lot of food simply doesn’t have the nutrition it once did.

Role of vitamins and minerals

Sadly, many people are not aware of the role of minerals and vitamins. They think that minerals and vitamins are only needed to help fight off colds and other such minor ailments. But, it is important to ensure we are never vitamin deficient; we need minerals and vitamins to maintain optimal body functioning. Sadly, most vitamin enriched food doesn’t have enough vitamins and minerals to fulfill the body’s needs. Or, rather on paper they do, but the food is so processed that our body can’t really absorb the extra vitamins and minerals in a meaningful way. Because how food is processed, the quality of food, regarding its nutritional value, is decreasing. Our body requires vitamins and minerals in order to be healthy and taking supplements seems like a n obvious choice.

Does the intake of supplements actually help?

Recent studies show that intake of single nutrients or organically synthesized nutrients have little or no health benefits. Does that mean we have to eat to excess in order to get all of our needed vitamins and minerals? No! In fact, eating to excess comes with its own health risks. Remember though that getting enough of certain vitamins is beneficial and can help prevent conditions such as strokes and high blood pressure. For instance, it was found that folic acid and B-complex vitamins can reduce a stroke’s probability.

If you have questions about whether you need to take health supplements, talk to your healthcare provider.

alkaline water

Alkaline and Ionized Water: Healthy or Hype?

What is alkaline water?

There are many rumors about alkaline water. Some people say it’s healthy for the body while others disagree with it but what is alkaline water?

The word “alkaline” is a chemical term which defines the level of pH. Alkalinity ranges from 8-14 pH value. That means alkaline water pH value ranges from 8-14? Well, actually alkalinity water pH ranges from 8-9 but we will consider any matter alkaline if it’s pH is greater than 7.

Where does it come from?

There are two ways of making alkaline water. One is a natural way and other is a chemical way.

In natural, water (from rivers) usually interact with other minerals. Most minerals are alkaline in nature therefore when they dissolve then they make water alkaline. Sometimes when water hits big rocks (which are alkaline in nature), water absorbs the alkalinity from rock hence creating alkaline water.

Nowadays, we can create alkaline water by adding some chemicals. Don’t worry, these chemicals won’t harm your body. Not only that, you can create your own alkaline water as well! Just use ingredients which are alkaline in nature (such as baking soda etc.) and mix it with water.

Is alkalinity good or bad?

Everything in this word posses good effects as well as bad effects too. If we talk about alkalinity is good or bad then there is a big debate. What is the conclusion then? To be honest, it is still not properly decided.

Alkaline water has many positive impacts on the body and one of the best effects is the slow aging of people. That’s not all, do you know that alkaline water is one of the remedies for curing cancer? It also boosts your metabolism as well.

Although alkaline water is considered as healthy and safe there are negative impacts on the body as well. It disturbs the pH level of your stomach which can result in the killing of undesired pathogens which helps human bodies. It also causes vomiting, nausea, skin irritations, gastrointestinal issues, muscle twitching, and hand tremors as well.


Although alkaline water doesn’t change too much pH of the blood because blood acts as a buffer. There is not much to worry about drinking alkaline water. Alkaline water is safe and healthy but excess of alkaline water can result terrible.

salt free healthy diet

Health Benefits of Dieting without Salt

Salt is one of the essential ingredients for cooking food. The chemical composition of salt is NaCl, which means it comprises of sodium and chloride. As we know salt is a very common ingredient in food but in the quantities found in most foods we eat today, it isn’t healthy. In fact, it leads to diseases such as heart diseases, blood pressure and many more.

You might be thinking if salt is dangerous for health then what shall we do? Don’t worry, you can always rely on low-sodium diets. Why low-sodium foods? Because recent researches showed that low sodium intake can improvise your health conditions.

Fewer chances of kidney disease

A research was carried out in CKD (chronic kidney disease). It was observed that intake of low sodium resulted in significantly reduced chances of high blood pressure as well as of protein in the urine.

If you are eating a lot of salty products then this will result in high blood pressure. Now how is high blood pressure related to kidney disease? It is simple, that high blood pressure will damage your kidneys.

The National Kidney Foundation took an amazing step. They recommended all people, suffering from CKD, to limit the sodium intake up to 2 grams (i.e. 2,000 mg) per day.

Lower risk of blood pressure

If you are eating too much salt then it will increase the risk of high blood pressure. The reason is that sodium reacts with your blood. The blood then behaves in such a way which triggers the heart to pump fast.

Recently research was conducted in which patients were given less or no sodium foods. The results concluded that more than 3,000 people showed positive results.

Nonetheless, it’s recommended to have zero sodium diet.

Reduce the risk of heart disease

Last but not least, less sodium intake can decrease the risk of heart disease. Heart disease can lead to kidney disease and water retention.

A review of studies showed that people who eat less or no salt products are more likely to have a healthy heart.

If you want to try out a new healthy diet, think about the amount of sodium you can reduce. Your body will thank you.