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Child and Infant CPR – The Benefits


Instead of just opting for the standard Adult CPR certification course on the website, you might want to consider instead the Adult, Child, and Infant CPR certification course. Both training coures are the same price, but one contains far more information: the care and resuscitation of children, toddlers, and infants. Also known as pediatric CPR, child and infant CPR is extremely valuable to everyone, not just those who are in frequent contact with young children due to occupation or home life.

Most people assume that just because they do not have children or are in an occupation that works with children, that they have no need to learn child and infant CPR. This, though, could not be farther from the truth. Most of us have family members or friends with young children; we have gone to birthday parties of nieces or nephews, or have even supervised pool time for the neighbor’s children. No matter what the situation, most people have been or will be in situations where it is very likely that a child could have an accident that involves choking or cardiac arrest.

No one wants to be feel helpless in the event of an emergency, especially when lives are on the line. There are special rules for reviving children or infants who have suffered from cardiac arrest, just as there are special techniques to helping a child or infant if they are choking. These techniques can be easily learned through online CPR courses that can teach you how to react if you witness a child or infant that is in danger. Don’t be caught unable to help: learn how to save a child from an emergency by choosing to take an online CPR course. Become certified in child and infant CPR – it will save lives.

How Effective is Online CPR Certification Education?

Online CPR Certification

It is a question many ask, especially now that online learning is becoming more prevalent with modern technology and wireless internet being so readily accessible. Now many colleges and universities have thousands of students enrolled in degree programs that they can complete entirely from the comfort of their own home, and a large percentage of students in higher learning are currently involved in classes that are 100% online or have an online component. Many other training organizations are following suit as well by offering a wide array of courses online, ranging anywhere from driving courses to foreign language courses or even to safety courses such as online CPR certification. Online education is becoming a trend that gives no indication of slowing down any time soon. In fact, most statistics show that online learning will continue to increase dramatically over the course of the next several years.

With this in mind, it is easy to see how online safety courses such as online CPR certification or online first aid certification are becoming so popular. Not only do they allow for more people to become CPR certified because of their convenience, but they are also more cost effective for the average consumer. In light of all this, though, many still ask: “How effective can an online CPR certification course really be?” This is a valid question with a relatively simple answer. Studies have shown that generic, online learning courses (simple text material that has been converted from classroom-format to online-format) are actually proven to be more effective for learning and retention than traditional classroom courses. This is due to many different factors such as individual learning pace, relaxed atmosphere, personalized concentration times, learning style, etc. The fact is, since simple text-based learning is already more effective than a classroom setting, dynamic (including pictures, video, and audio) and interactive online learning courses have been shown to dramatically increase learning effectiveness over static classroom learning.

So how does this effect CPR and first aid training? Online CPR certification and online first aid certification courses that are dynamic, can be taken at any pace, are more cost effective, and can be reviewed at any time for free makes learning CPR and first aid online the best possible education environment. Here at we have taken every facet of this information into consideration; all of the courses offered on our website contain all of the above components, making them extremely effective courses for those who wish to become CPR certified or to renew their certification. Although some still retain their doubts about the effectiveness of online education, especially when it comes to CPR, modern technology and the integration of online learning into everyday life will continue to progress and increase as society continues to move forward, finding new ways to adapt to the ever-fluctuating technological environment that surrounds us today.

CPR Certification: How Long Should I Provide CPR?


Even when people have their CPR certification, it seems that there are always questions or concerns that arise once an actual emergency occurs. These concerns could be unexpected for many reasons: perhaps they were never specifically addressed in the CPR training class, or maybe the idea seemed obvious at first so the information was simply overlooked or forgotten. Whatever the case may be, the simple truth of the matter is that it is impossible to prevent the feeling of unpreparedness when faced with an unexpected, intense situation. What can be prevented, though, is a lack of knowledge about key matters that could possibly aid in or prevent the saving of a life.

Although concerns about CPR vary, a common issue that rescuers face is the indecision that comes from not knowing exactly how long to provide CPR. In movies and television, media that greatly affects culture today even when many are completely unaware of its influence, CPR is usually shown to only last maybe two or three minutes until the victim is either revived or proclaimed to be “gone.” This is far from accurate, though, as current research shows that CPR performed longer (up to 10 minutes or more) actually increases the victim’s chance of survival, and CPR that is stopped too quickly almost always results in the victim’s death. A very important tip to remember when performing adult CPR is to NEVER stop or slow CPR performance unless: paramedics or emergency personell arrive to take over care of the victim, the victim shows obvious signs of death, or the victim is entirely revived. REMEMBER: slight movement from the victim is not an indication of revival, it just means that the CPR is working; only stop CPR if the victim wakes completely, and never stop CPR to check for a pulse.