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Cheating Death: CPR To The Rescue

How do you thank a stranger for saving your life? That’s the question Andrea D’Amore-Braver ponders since her brush with death.

D’Amore-Braver experienced cardiac arrest during dinner, and two strangers took immediate CPR action until medics arrived.

The quick-thinking men acted swiftly and smartly enough that D’Amore-Braver suffered no brain damage either.

Over 300,000 people die each year from cardiac arrest, and many who do make it through, suffer irreversible brain damage.

D’Amore-Braver was one of the lucky ones. She’s not sure how to thank the two strangers for giving her a second chance.

Will you be ready to offer CPR help if the moment ever arrives?

Hip-Hop CPR

CPR is going HIP-HOP, hitting the mash-up fans of DJ Earworm.

Earworm agreed to team up with The AHA to promote CPR to his fans because of a horrible situation that left him feeling helpless.

“I had to administer CPR and it didn’t turn out so well.The thing that I remember very distinctly was that moment of panic of ‘What am I supposed to do?’The fact the American Heart Association has now made the message so much clearer and easier to learn and remember takes away that whole hesitation factor,”said Earworm.

DJ Earworm is known for his hip mash-ups, and as part of the National CPR Awareness week, he plans to create “Hands-Only CPR Mash-Up,” with a mix of tunes that includes favs like Salt-N-Pepa’s “Push It.”

Earworm agreed to be involved to raise social awareness through music. He calls it ‘Healthy Hollywood.

About 420,000 people die outside of the hospital every year. Be a hero. Learn Hands-Only CPR.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and CPR

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Many people equate Sudden Cardiac Arrest with a heart attack, but that is simply not the case. While a heart attack is caused by a a blockage in a vessel that supplies blood to the heart, Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions and the heart stops beating.

Both of these conditions can be treated immediately with CPR, but the fatality rate of Sudden Cardiac Arrest is much higher. Since 80% of Sudden Cardiac Arrest cases occur at home, the survival rate is only 8%. In many cases, lives could have been saved as a result of CPR or having access to an AED.

Especially in an out of hospital scenario, it is imperative that someone suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest receive CPR and have access to an AED. An AED is a portable device that assesses the heart’s rhythm and shocks it if necessary. These devices are extremely effective and do not harm a patient who may not suffer from Sudden Cardiac Arrest because it will only work if the heart has stopped.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a scary reality because it can affect otherwise healthy individuals and doesn’t have any warning signs. The best thing to do if you think someone is suffering from Sudden Cardiac Arrest is to administer CPR and call emergency services.