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Stayin’ Alive with CPR

The BeeGees couldn’t have know that their mega-hit song, ‘Stayin’ Alive’ would be the rhythm of life.

According to the American Heart Association, the most effective rate of chest compressions is 100 + per minute. This also happens to be the same beat as ‘Stayin’ Alive.’

Most cardiac arrests—when the heart stops working—happen at home in front of family. The heart circulates blood, which carries oxygen, to the brain, keeping the brain functioning. No oxygen=no function.

The brain can’t last long without oxygen before brain damage occurs. Clearly, the best thing we can do for a victim of cardiac arrest is to keep the blood circulating, which means we need to keep the heart working.

Performing CPR is a manual technique for keeping the heart working until the victim’s heart can be resuscitated and function on its own again.

The rate of survival drops 10 percent for every minute the passes without CPR. Hands-Only CPR is just as effective as CPR with mouth-to-mouth, so simply performing Hands-Only CPR is the best thing we can do. Remember ‘Stayin’ Alive’ and move to the rhythm of the beat.

Be a hero! Learn CPR today.

Firefighter Breathes Life Into Chihuahua


Capt. Scott Ledet forced his way into the burning RV with a hatchet. He found Pony, a 1-year-old Chihuahua in her crate, lifeless.

He whisked her outside and began mouth-to-mouth. Yep, that’s right. He spread her mouth open and put his lips “down to the bottom of her throat.”

Ledet didn’t let up, and after 30 minutes of CPR and oxygen the little dog began showing signs of life. It took an hour, but she made it.

Pony’s owner calls her the “luckiest little miracle dog.”

In Ledet’s words, “I never thought twice about not performing CPR on the dog. It was never a question.”

Toddler Survives With CPR

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When a toddler drowned in waist-high water, her mother didn’t hesitate to react. She started CPR immediately.

By the time the rescue crew arrived, the child was breathing.

“We see incidents like this during the summer months every year,” said Sheriff William Earl Hilton. “It only takes a split second for a fun day at the lake or swimming pool to turn into tragedy. Thankfully, this mother reacted quickly and saved her child.”

Too often a parent is prepared to respond with CPR, and far too often someone dies.

Be a hero. Learn CPR today!