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Witness CPR in Action

It isn’t everyday that a CPR rescue is caught on camera, but this lucky two-year old made internet history, and because of a quick-thinking-acting police officer, he’s alive.

A Cleveland police officer responded to a drowning call.

“Honestly, I’ve been a police officer for eight years. I’ve seen some pretty serious stuff,” he said, “living in the city, being a police officer in the city. That’s probably been the only time I’ve ever been scared.”

The boy’s aunt described the child as purple and lifeless. She said she’ll never forget it.

This news story from CNN affiliate WJW shows the officer’s arms pumping the small chest. The footage was caught with the wearable camera officers in Cleveland are required to wear.

There’s no better reason to learn CPR. Be hero. Learn CPR.

How Much is The Gift of Life Worth?


An anonymous donor must be having cardiac growing pain. This big-hearted donor gifted nearly $15,000 in CPR training kits for high schools in Illinois.

The Regional Superintendent accepted the 25 training kits and 25 Friends and Family kits to distribute to area schools.

Due to recent legislation, high school students must now be trained in CPR.

Clearly, a very generous person or group understands the need for CPR to be taught. We applaud you.

Be a hero! Learn CPR.

Resuscitate Your Pet with CPR

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Delaware is a progressive place, just ask Jennifer Stevenson and the folks at PetTech. Stevenson offers professional pet sitting services through her PetTech company and now she can boast to her clients that her techs know pet CPR.

Stevenson covers quite a few safety issues concerning your pet welfare, and even offers her classes to pet owners.

Most pets won’t suffer from cardiac arrest, but can face other dangerous situations like drowning, smoke inhalation, and even traffic accidents.

We applaud Stevenson on her enthusiasm and love of safety.

Be a hero. Learn CPR. The life you save may be your pets’.