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Ornery Man Saved With CPR

Death can happen in a split second. Just as it did when 25-year-old Shonda Eister witnessed her 61-year-old father fall down the basement steps.

Eister immediately called 911 and followed CPR instructions by administering chest compression for at least ten minutes until help arrived.

Her father began breathing before he was helicoptered to the hospital. Eister had never learned CPR, but she’s grateful she was there to help her father, who did suffer brain damage from a lack of oxygen.

Her father has returned home and will soon be helping out on the farm again.

“He’s as ornery as ever,” Eister laughed.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!

New BILL Requires CPR

New Jersey has joined the ranks of mandatory high school CPR. Acting Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno signed bill A2072 into effect today, requiring all high students learn CPR and how to use defibrillators in order to graduate.

A student collapsed in June and quick-thinking staff member used CPR to save the student’s life. It was this near catastrophe that spurred this bill into action.

The bipartisan-sponsored bill passed with minimal opposition in June and goes into affect this year.

This is a trend that is happening across the United States, and we’re not complaining. We look forward to the day when we can say that every state in the nation has the same law.

Be a hero! Learn CPR.

Infant Revived with CPR

Life function check demonstration

A man was hailed as a hero today, after he saved the life of an infant girl.

The baby’s mom found the infant lifeless in a corner of her crib. The child had no heartbeat and blood running from her nose and mouth. Mom didn’t know CPR, but thankfully, a neighbor heard her screaming and came running.

The neighbor had recently learned CPR in preparation for his sister’s twins, so he jumped into action.

Though he never thought he would have to use his CPR skills, he sure is happy he had them, and so is the family.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!