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Mechanic Saves Babies Life with CPR


The CPR app PulsePoint is a lifesaver. When master technician Jeff Olson heard the alert on his smartphone, he rushed two blocks to the address and asked if there was a medical emergency.

He found an infant who wasn’t breathing, and immediately got to work performing CPR.

The store clerk, who had already called for 911, couldn’t believe that some guy just came out of nowhere.

Olson is a volunteer EMT, and didn’t hesitate to take action.

“I don’t think I’ve ever done CPR on an infant before or even rescue breathing and when I got done I shook for about ten minutes ya know,” he said.

It’s the first time the local fire department has used PulsePoint.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!

Wife Saves Husband with CPR


“I think everyone should take a CPR class and become certified,” said Joan Hager.

Hager’s husband suffered a heart attack after performing physical activity, and Hager immediately recalled her CPR training from 20 years prior.

“Anything can happen at any time – not just at home but also at the grocery or in the community. I think that having CPR or having knowledge of it helps a person not be so paralyzed when they see an emergency.”

Hager called 911 when her husband collapsed, and with the help of the operator, Hager kept blood and oxygen flow to her husband’s brain.

Help arrived about five minutes later, and her hubby is alive and well today because of Hager’s fast reactions.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!

Woman Saves Life With CPR


After eight days in a coma, a Kansas man is happy to be alive and thankful to the woman who saved his life with CPR.

70 year old Dave Williams was at the elementary school picking up his son, when he suffered a heart attack. The principal of the school rushed to his aid and performed CPR until help arrived.

Eight days later, Williams is grateful.

“The first thing I want to do when I can is say thank you to the principal at Turner because she saved my life. She really did.”

The principal says she learned CPR when she was a lifeguard, many years ago.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!