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The Angel of CPR Strikes Twice

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When Lizzy Stavers saw three people standing around a prostrate woman, she stopped to help.

One of the standers-by said she thought the motionless woman in the street was dead. Lizzy felt for a pulse, and when she couldn’t find one she gave two breaths and started CPR until medics arrived and whisked the victim off to the hospital.

This is the second time that Lizzy has saved someone in her neighborhood using CPR.

The local police gave Lizzy a commendation for her heroic efforts. And we’re sure the neighbors are pretty happy to have her around too.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!

CPR Isn’t Rocket Science


Are you prepared to save your best friend’s life? We mean the four-legged, faithful buddy who relies on you.

Most folks aren’t prepared when it comes to pet survival preparedness. For instance, did you know that 101 degrees fahrenheit is normal for Fido and Fefe? But if the red line hits 104 degrees, they need medical attention.

Pet CPR is another skills most folks aren’t skilled in. There are plenty of pet CPR classes being offered now, but like human CPR it isn’t rocket science.

The chest pump is a critical factor and necessary to keep oxygen flowing to the brain, even for a furry friends. And instead of breathing into the mouth, oxygen is breathed into the snout where it can make it’s way to the brain more directly.

Be your pet’s hero. Learn CPR!

American Heroes Use CPR


We don’t often hear of police looking for heroes. But at a recent music festival in Virginia City, a man and woman worked together to save the life of a 65-year-man who suffered cardiac arrest.

The man and woman were performing CPR on the victim when the police arrived and relieved the two. Police used an AED, which successfully revived the victim.

If it had not been for the quick actions of the couple, the victim may not have made it through the event.

Virginia City police would like to thank the two who performed CPR.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!