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Americans Need CPR

The sad fact is that about 70% of Americans do not know how to provide CPR. And since most cardiac arrest, heart attacks, happen at home seventy-percent of America relies upon medical help to arrive and take care of everything.

But in just four short minutes without oxygen the human brain will begin to lose precious cells, and should your loved one survive, oxygen deficit equals brain damage.

Most people are scared and panic when the unexpected happens, but with CPR training a feeling of preparedness takes over. Instead of panic, your training kicks in and you’re more likely to react to the the situation with some level of calm and action.

Nobody has ever regretted learning CPR. Performing CPR on an adult is somewhat different than performing it on an infant, so it’s good to take both classes. A few hours out of your day could save a life.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!

Officer Saves Child with CPR


Officer Jennifer Wilson responded first. When the 13-year police veteran found a 4-year old lying facedown in a pool of his own blood, her heart sank.

“Anything with a child — I’m a mom first, and a wife — that kind of thing sticks with you,” she said.

Wilson began CPR immediately, and after severals breaths, and chest compressions, the boy began breathing on his own.

That night, Wilson said, she held her own kids tighter.

Be a hero. Learn CPR!

A Miracle at 200 CPR Compressions


She just kept thinking to herself, I will get you back. She promised the stranger whose chest she was performing CPR on that she would save him.

A 19-year-old woman who had learned CPR about five years ago ran to the rescue when other students were fleeing. She found a 20-year-old man on the floor. He had suffered a massive heart attack.

Around 200 compressions, she heard a noise that sounded like air getting into his throat. She called it a miracle.

The young man survived and our young hero feels like a different person.

“It just puts your whole life into perspective that you’re alive right now and you’re healthy and it just really put everything into perspective that that is the most valuable thing that you could ever have is your health.”

Be a hero. Learn CPR!