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First Aid Basics – Emergency First Aid Kit

Accidents happen on a daily basis, and can be as simple as tipping over a cup of coffee to something more extreme such as a fall that ends in a broken bone. Even a small accident can easily turn into a first aid emergency that requires the assistance of someone with first aid knowledge, materials, and skills.

The best way to be prepared to help in the event of an accident resulting in any injury or trauma is to become certified in first aid, or at least become familiar with the common procedures. However, knowledge alone is only the first step when it comes to assisting with emergency first aid treatments – you will need first aid materials as well.

It is an excellent idea to prepare several emergency first aid kits to keep around your home, in your car, or even on in your purse or wallet. Some first aid kits, such as the ones you might carry with you, can be small and only contain the bare necessities such as antiseptic wipes, adhesive bandages, and aspirin.  These will come in handy when you might be on the go and have a small accident or injury that requires only a quick fix. Other first aid kits that are bigger can be stored in the car or in an accessible place at home. A few important things to remember about keeping an emergency first aid kit are: keep it out of reach of small children, check its stock often and replace any missing items, regularly throw out anything that has expired, and ensure that the batteries still work in items such as flashlights or digital thermometers.

The Red Cross has created a list of recommended items that should be included in any large emergency first aid kit for a family of four:

  • 2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches)
  • 25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
  • 1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch)
  • 5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram)
  • 5 antiseptic wipe packets
  • 2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each)
  • 1 blanket (space blanket)
  • 1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve)
  • 1 instant cold compress
  • 2 pair of non-latex gloves (size: large)
  • 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets
  • Scissors
  • 1 roller bandage (3 inches wide)
  • 1 roller bandage (4 inches wide)
  • 5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches)
  • Oral thermometer (non-mercury/non-glass)
  • 2 triangular bandages
  • Tweezers
  • First aid instruction booklet

To be fully prepared to any first aid emergency, create your own first aid kit with the materials mentioned above, and visit SimpleCPR to take an online first aid course today!

Seizure First Aid

If you have ever wondered what to do when someone is having a seizure or how to provide first aid for a seizure, you are not alone. Epilepsy, a tendency to have seizures that start in the brain, is relatively common worldwide. As common as this condition is, though, there is still little that can be done for someone who is having an attack. Even so, there are a few important procedures for seizure first aid that everyone should know.

1. Understand the different types of seizures.
There are different types of seizures that a person can have, which can also affect the type of first aid treatment they require. Focal seizures affect only part of the brain and can manifest as unusual behavior, such as an odd smell or taste, twitching, sudden emotional swings, confusion, wandering, or unusual movements. Generalized seizures are often more complex and violent as they affect both sides of the brain and occur without warning. These generally include attacks such as sudden stiff or limp muscles that cause the victim to fall, muscle jerks, or full convulsions.

2. Know what type of seizure first aid to provide.
It can be unnerving and even scary to witness someone having a seizure, which is why it is always important for you to remain calm while providing assistance. The first step in first aid for a seizure is to always make sure that victims do not injure themselves. For example, if someone is having a convulsive seizure, move away any furniture or surrounding objects and place a towel underneath their head (or gently hold their head) to prevent it from hitting the ground. For more mild seizures, minimize potential harm as much as possible without fully restraining the victim.

3. Realize that reassurance is key.
Seizures are an upsetting event for both the victim and potential onlookers. Always remember to give the victim emotional support as well as the physical support of seizure first aid. Reassure them that everything is fine, and do your best to minimize any embarrassment that they might feel in the case of a public attack.

First aid for a seizure is not a complicated procedure, however it does require a certain level of knowledge and understanding of the victim’s physical and emotional condition. To learn more about seizure first aid or other first aid procedures, visit SimpleCPR to take your first aid class today!

How to Get a First Aid Certificate

Do you need to be first aid certified for your job or for your own personal safety? If so, you have probably been wondering how to get a first aid certificate and if online classes are a viable option. Good news! Taking a first aid class through SimpleCPR is the easiest and most convenient way to receive your first aid certification. All you need to do is visit, select the “Standard First Aid” course option, and then proceed to make your purchase using our secure online payment system. You will be ready to begin your first aid training as soon as your course has been purchased.

SimpleCPR’s online first aid course provides quick and efficient training that will teach you how to practice safe first aid procedures in almost any emergency circumstance. Knowledge of these procedures will always be beneficial as medical emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. SimpeCPR’s first aid course will teach you how to assist a choking victim, how to handle different degrees of burns, what to do in the event of heat stroke, how to check for scene safety, the correct way to utilize personal protective equipment, how to prevent shock, and much more.

Once you have studied the training you will then be prompted to take the exams, which are there to ensure that you have thoroughly learned all of the course instruction. Exams are an important aspect of how to get a first aid certificate since your certification relies on your ability to understand all of the first aid material. However, a benefit to taking your first aid class through SimpleCPR is that you will be allowed to take the exams and review the training as many times as you need to in order to pass the course will 100%. This way, once you have completed the course and received your first aid certification, you will be confident in your ability to perform necessary first aid skills in real-life situations.

So if you have been wondering how to get a first aid certificate, the answer is SimpleCPR! Effective, self-paced, online courses are the best way to learn how to provide first aid care. Visit SimpleCPR to begin your first aid course today!