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What is CPR Training?

At SimpleCPR, our goal is to inform and inspire you by showing you how first aid and CPR training can make a difference. By answering “What is CPR training?” and other related questions, you’ll be able to handle any situation—from serious wounds to cardiac arrest.

With the right training, you can learn how to perform CPR and identify an emergency—and the necessary skills to help.

Who Needs CPR Training?

The first thing you need to ask yourself is why you’re looking to get CPR and first aid certification. CPR can benefit other people besides medical professionals or those working in similar fields. Even an average person walking down the street can use CPR training. Even you!

If you do have an occupation in a medical field, the job may require you to get CPR and first aid certification. You have to know how to handle emergencies that may come up. You must also keep up to date with the latest health standards to ensure you’re providing the absolute best help.

In an ideal world, everyone should have first aid and CPR training. Anyone who would like to have the capacity to help someone can get trained in CPR. And it won’t take years of med school to achieve!

At the very least, CPR training can start with you!

What is CPR Training Like?

Now that you’ve committed to signing up for online CPR classes, you might be wondering what to expect. How long will the class take? What skills will you learn?

Well, depending on the class, you’ll learn specialized lifesaving CPR instructions suited to that particular course.

  • Adult CPR
  • Child CPR
  • First Aid
  • AED Training
  • Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control

As for how long your class may take, we have good news for you. Online classes can fit into any schedule because they teach you at your own pace. You’ll learn quickly, and you’ll learn everything you need to know. Online classes are the efficient, modern way to learn CPR!

Where Can I Get Online CPR Training?

If you’re looking for quick, informative CPR and first aid training, you’ve come to the right place. You can get trained in CPR, first aid, AED, and even bloodborne pathogens right here at!

We at SimpleCPR want to encourage you to get CPR training. It’s a useful skill to have, and it’s easy to obtain. So head online, choose your class, and get started—you’ll learn lifesaving skills in no time at all. Work to make a safer world, become CPR certified, and save a life today!-

First Aid Basics – RICE Treatment

For joint or muscular injuries that do not require immediate medical attention such as sprains and strains, RICE treatment is the most effective form of care. The term “RICE” is an acronym for the individual treatment components: Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. Simply remember the term “RICE” and follow the steps below to give proper RICE injury treatment each time it is needed.


Immediately resting the injured area for at least 24 to 48 hours is extremely important. Working through the pain or ignoring the injury will only serve to make it worse, and can sometimes cause permanent damage in extreme cases. Always listen to your body: refrain from any particular movements or activities are causing you pain, and allow the injury time to heal. You might even need to use crutches or a sling to sufficiently rest the affected area.


To continue with proper RICE treatment you will need to ice the sprain or strain about every 3 to 4 hours for 20 minutes at a time. This cycle should continue for at least 48 hours following the injury. There are many different ways to ice an injury, so you should simply choose the method that is the most comfortable for you. Popular methods are: frozen bags of vegetables, an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel, or a freezer bag of ice cubes. Never ice an injury for more than 20 minutes at a time. Excessive contact with extreme cold could cause tissue damage.


You will need to compress the area during the elevation stage. An Ace bandage is the best compression tool; simply wrap it around the affected area making sure it overlaps the elastic by one half-width. The bandage should be snug, but it should not cut off any circulation. If your fingers or toes become cold or start to tingle, re-wrap immediately using less force.


Lastly, make sure that you comfortably elevate the sprain or strain during this last part of the RICE treatment. Elevate for as long as possible and try to keep the injury above the level of your heart for best results.

Remember to continue RICE injury treatment for at least 48 hours following the initial sprain or strain. If the injury worsens or you notice unnatural swelling or discoloration of the area, be sure to have it immediately examined by a medical professional.

To learn more about RICE treatment and other first aid related techniques, visit SimpleCPR to take your own standard first aid course today!

How to Get CPR AED Certification in 60 Minutes or Less

Time—there never seems to be enough of it in a day to get everything done.

But some things, such as CPR and first aid certification, are best taken at a more careful pace. After all, you want to make sure you’re learning how to perform these lifesaving skills correctly.

Believe it or not, you can get CPR AED certification in a fraction of the time it used to take. Whether you need CPR AED certification for your job or just for your personal skillset, you can save time and money with CPR AED certification training online.

You can get online CPR AED certification in under an hour. And we at SimpleCPR are here to tell you how.

Make Time for a CPR AED Course

How can you possibly find time for a CPR course when your life is so busy? Life may get hectic, but you can fit a CPR first aid AED class into your busy life. You simply have to make the effort.

We realize your time is precious. That’s why we’ve designed our CPR first aid AED online courses to provide you all the necessary knowledge at your own pace. Our online classes don’t demand huge chunks of your time, as in-person classes would. This gets you maximum benefit for only minimum time investment.

Our online CPR certification net class clocks in at an average of 60 minutes or less. That’s less time than a primetime television show (which you can just DVR anyway, right?) So if you think you don’t have time—make some!

Go Online and Renew CPR AED Certification

If you’ve had CPR AED certification in the past, retaking courses every two years can seem like a hassle. When your certification comes up for renewal, you might not think you have time to make it to your classes.

But why make extra work for yourself? Head to and take your CPR classes online!

You can get CPR certified without ever having to leave your home. You can access your materials and complete your exams from the comfort of your home computer or tablet. No need to inconvenience yourself by changing up your daily schedule—take your classes, print up your CPR AED first aid certification card, and you’re good to go!

What To Do After Getting Your CPR AED Certification

With all the time you saved getting online CPR certification, what to do with all your extra free time?

Perhaps your have interest on expanding your lifesaving skills, such as “what is AED training?” Or maybe you’re looking to expand into the realm of child CPR before your new childcare job starts. Whatever the reason, sixty minutes is a small time investment to learn how to take charge in an emergency situation.

Join the ranks of heroes—learn CPR and AED today.