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AED Basic Training

Many of us have seen automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in movies and on television during dramatic revival scenes.  However, media does not always paint an accurate picture of emergency situations.  AEDs are an important tool that everyone should know how to use in the case of an emergency.

What Is an AED?

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a medical device that is able to analyze a person’s heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock (known as defibrillation) to the heart in order to re-establish the heart’s basic rhythm.  These portable devices weren’t introduced until 1978, although the first record of electrical shocks being used to restart a human heart was in 1947 by U.S. surgeon, Claude Beck.  The technology has since improved and now these devices are made for any person to use with little direction in order to have the best chance at saving a person’s life.

When Is an AED Used?

CPR is usually not enough to restart a heart on its own and requires the use of an AED.  AEDs are frequently used on adults and even children who go into cardiac arrest.  Studies show that the combined efforts of CPR and the use of an AED can more than double a victim’s chance of survival.  When someone suffers from cardiac arrest, every minute counts, and AEDs must be quickly obtained to give them the best shot of being revived.

How Do I Use an AED?

Learning how to use an AED is critical.  The American Heart Association has reported that a whopping 64 percent of Americans have never even seen an AED before.  With that said, everyone needs to know the basics of an AED at the very least.  Here is a basic overview of how to use an AED:

  • When a person suddenly collapses, you will first need to see if the person is responsive.
  • After confirming that they are not responsive, call 911 or have someone else call 911.  If you are with someone else, have them grab the AED while you perform CPR.
  • If the person is still unresponsive when the AED arrives, turn it on, it should have voice prompts that will tell you what to do.  Do not stop performing CPR until the machine tells you to stop.
  • Attach the adhesive electrode pads to the person’s bare chest (male and female).  The electrode pads will usually have a diagram that indicates where they are supposed to be placed.
  • Allow the AED to analyze.  It may tell you to stop performing CPR at this time.
  • When the machine indicates to give a shock, the person operating the AED should say, “clear” to warn others not to be touching the victim.  Deliver a shock when the AED tells you to.
  • If the AED says “no shock advised,” it could mean a variety of things.  The victim may have regained their pulse or possibly had a pulse all along without you realizing it.  Another possibility is that the victim is without a pulse, but their heart is not yet ready to have a shock delivered.
  • Provide two minutes of CPR, as indicated by the AED.  The device will indicate when you should stop.

Where Do I Find an AED?

Unfortunately, AEDs are not as commonplace as they should be.  You can find AEDs in many public places, such as airports, shopping centers, government buildings, corporate offices, etc.  They are often brightly colored so that people can locate them in emergencies.  In 2008, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) pushed for a universal AED sign so that people from all over the world would be able to locate an AED more easily.  Anyone is now allowed to purchase an AED after the FDA passed a law permitting this in 2005.

Why Should I Take a Course on AED Training?

The basic information on automated external defibrillators is not enough to gain a wider understanding of this device.  In order to fully understand how to use an AED and the best course of action in certain circumstances, taking a class is highly recommended.  You can find online training courses at places such as SimpleCPR that will teach you more than just the basics of an AED.  With these courses you will learn the inner workings of the human body, in addition to how to avoid dangerous situations that would require the use of an AED.  Such knowledge is invaluable and will prepare you for emergency situations.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About CPR

We have all seen dramatic scenes in television and movies that show someone providing CPR to rescue the victim.  Because of this, you would think that knowing CPR is more common in the United States.  Unfortunately, a shockingly small amount of the public has received training in CPR.  Efforts to educate the public more on how to perform CPR have been somewhat recent, but these efforts will hopefully encourage more people to learn CPR so that we can save more lives.  Here are some things about CPR that you didn’t know:

You Are More Likely to Perform CPR at Home

The likelihood that you will need to perform CPR on a loved one is much higher than that of a stranger.  According to the American Heart Association, 88 percent of cardiac arrests occur at home.  Cardiac arrests can happen to anyone at any age, and the chance of survival is higher if CPR is given immediately.  In fact, a cardiac arrest victim who receives CPR by a bystander before medics arrive is twice as likely to survive a month later.

The Majority of Bystanders Won’t Give CPR

It’s sad, but the fact is that only one-third of bystanders actually perform CPR on victims.  This could be because they are fearful of getting involved or scared that they will perform CPR incorrectly.  Research suggests that a significant number of lives could be saved if more people made the effort to provide CPR.  Even someone who has no training is better than no CPR at all.

The Ability to Perform CPR Is Dependent on Body Strength

You can learn CPR at any age, as long as you have the body strength to perform it.  In fact, studies have shown that children as early as age nine can properly perform CPR.  Researchers are confident that there is a huge benefit to teaching CPR in primary schools, such as knowing basic survival techniques and knowing how to alert medical services.

Every Minute Counts in CPR

Bystanders must act quickly when a victim needs CPR.  When oxygen is suddenly cut off from the brain due to stroke or other serious conditions, every minute counts.  The interruption of blood flow to the brain will cause brain cells to die, which can lead to permanent brain damage within four to six minutes.  In addition, the chances of survival for a cardiac arrest victim decreases by ten percent for every minute that CPR is not provided.  CPR training allows individuals to not hesitate when someone is in need of CPR.

Memory of CPR Skills and Knowledge Tends to Fade Fairly Quickly

Nurses, police officers, firefighters, and other professions require regular CPR training because studies show that we tend to forget CPR knowledge over time.  Not only can taking CPR classes regularly help you remember what to do, but it also gives you the chance to stay up-to-date on the latest CPR techniques and practices.  You can find an online CPR course at SimpleCPR and take it in the comfort of your own home.

Good Samaritan Laws Can Protect Those Performing CPR

Another common reason why bystanders don’t perform CPR on those who need it is because they fear legal repercussions if something goes wrong.  This is unfounded because of Good Samaritan laws that are passed in order to protect those who give CPR.  While states have different specifications of Good Samaritan laws, they will all protect those who offer reasonable assistance to those in need.

CPR Is Useful for Causes Other Than Heart Attacks

Many people think of heart attacks when they think of CPR when, in reality, CPR can be useful for many different situations.  For instance, CPR could help save the life of someone who is choking or suffocating, is experiencing a drug overdose, or for someone who is drowning.  Infants and children are more likely to need CPR for choking and drowning cases, while adults over the age of 65 are more likely to need it for heart conditions.

Bottom Line—CPR Saves Lives

All of these facts reinforce the necessity of proper CPR training.  By raising awareness and increasing the number of people who take CPR courses, we can dramatically raise the number of lives saved each year.  People of all walks of life can benefit from being trained in CPR and it never hurts to be prepared in case of an emergency.

What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?

Have you ever wondered, “What is cardiopulmonary resuscitation, anyway?” It is a common question for those who are not familiar with the technique of CPR. The acronym “CPR” stands for “cardiopulmonary resuscitation,” which is a term that refers to the revival of a person via the heart and lungs. The technique used to perform CPR combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep the victim’s brain alive long enough to restore normal heart rhythm.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a direct response to cardiac arrest, which is when a person’s heart stops beating for any reason. While heart failure seems like it would be the main problem in this scenario, the act of CPR concerns itself more with the brain than the heart. While your body’s other organs can survive for a little while without a beating heart, the brain begins to die within seven minutes of not receiving oxygenated blood. Brain death is the most catastrophic of organ failures because loss of brain function cannot be reversed. This is why rescuers who perform CPR are doing so in order to keep blood flowing to the brain even while the heart has stopped.

The chest compression phase of cardiopulmonary resuscitation mimics a heartbeat; firmly pushing downward on the chest in rapid succession will continue to move blood throughout the victim’s body, and the rescue breaths keep that blood oxygenated. As long as the brain continues to receive an adequate supply of oxygenated blood, it will continue to function without damage. Of course CPR is not a perfect heartbeat, which is why survival rates of cardiac arrest victims is directly related to how quickly a normal heartbeat is restored, usually with the help of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a life-saving tool that everyone should know how to perform in case of a cardiac emergency. Although for many it is intimidating to imagine performing on a stranger, statistics show that most of the time CPR is used to save the life of a friend or loved one.

If you are interested in learning more about cardiopulmonary resuscitation or becoming certified, visit SimpleCPR to see how easy it can be to help save lives.