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13 year old boy saves coachs life by administering cpr

13 Year Old Boy Saves Baseball Coach’s Life by Administering CPR

A teenage baseball player from Arizona saved his coaches life by administering CPR and calling paramedics. His coach collapsed on the field, suffering a heart attack during practice drills.

Isaac Wenrich, a minor league baseball player with the Florence Freedom of Kentucky who coaches kids during the off-season, was running drills last month with eighth-grader Nathan Boyer in Chandler, Arizona.

The two were alone on the afternoon of March 28 when Wenrich, 26, collapsed.

“Nate knew to roll me over, he got my phone and called 911, he started CPR,” Wenrich told ABC News today. “I’m beyond thankful. I think the Lord brings people in your life for crazy reasons and he just happened to put Nate in mine.

“There’s not many kids out there like him.” Wenrich, who has been coaching Nathan for two years, said. “He is just such a hard worker with the most amazing personality. He is such a well-rounded 13 year old.

He added: “I wouldn’t be here today if he wasn’t in my life.”

Julie Boyer, Nathan’s mother, said, “Isaac has been a great mentor to Nathan. He moved in the middle of seventh-grade and it was a really hard transition for a kid. Anytime I felt like Nathan was down, Isaac would always give him a pep talk.”

Boyer described her son as determined, humble and hard-working. “He is not your typical 13-year-old. He does everything 110 percent,” she said of Nathan, who who was in school and unavailable to comment today.

Katy Huetter, Wenrich’s girlfriend, said, “Nathan had to do CPR for 4 minutes before the paramedics got there. They said if he didn’t do CPR, Isaac would be dead right now.”

“I never met him but now he’s part of our family.” Huetter said today, adding that Wenrich expects to play again this summer. “We want to honor this kid as much as we can; he is a hero.”

Source with video:

the office cpr

21 Year Old Arizona Man Learned CPR by Watching The Office Saves Woman’s Life

A 21-year-old auto shop technician from Tucson, Arizona may have saved a stranger’s life thanks to a skill he learned from The Office.

Cross Scott — who shares a surname with the cult-favorite comedy series’ protagonist, Michael Scott (Steve Carell) — told the Arizona Daily Star that he was test driving a customer’s car when he noticed a white sedan pulled off the road with its hazard lights on.

He pulled over to assist the driver, as the outlet notes he does frequently given his expertise. But when he looked into the car, he saw the woman in the driver’s seat was slumped over the steering wheel, her lips blue.

Scott was not carrying a cell phone, as he told the Star he leaves it in the shop during test drives to avoid distractions. However, two other motorists soon stopped and called 911.

He recalls how he began pounding on the window of the car and yelling to the woman, but she did not respond. He then took a rock, smashed in the window and reached in to unlock the driver’s door.

Scott, who has no medical training, checked for a pulse and could not find one, so he climbed over the woman and began performing CPR to the best of his ability.

His knowledge of the life-saving technique came only from an episode of The Office. 

In the episode, the employees of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company attempt to learn first aid from Carell’s character. While his insights are fraught, the one thing he does get correct is that using the Bee Gees’ hit disco song “Stayin’ Alive” is a good way to measure the tempo of chest compressions.

Scott took the bumbling TV boss’ advice and performed compressions while singing the chorus — “Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive” — aloud.

“I’ve never prepared myself for CPR in my life,” Scott said. “I had no idea what I was doing.”

But a minute later, the woman took a breath, according to his account.

Emergency medical workers arrived less than 10 minutes after that. Scott told the Star that one of the paramedics let him know that if he hadn’t stepped in, the situation could have ended tragically.

Read the full article at the source:


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How Can You Utilize Online Strategies for Patient Retention

Getting leads having patients and getting appointments are three of the most important things for any medical practice to do in their lives. If you want to build a practice, then you will need to make sure that the most valuable thing in your life as a medical professional which is your patients are well taken care of. However, a lot of the practices in the world are obsessed with the leading generation; however, they are completely clueless as to what it is meant by the term patient retention.

Obviously getting new patients is amazing but the loyalty of a good customer base is almost priceless. Research states that the greatest number of appointments are given by patients who are completely loyal to their medical professional. There are a few ways in which you can make sure that your patients keep coming back and do not leave you for another.

Surprises go a long way

Surprises are amazing and almost always they are welcome. They come unexpectedly are they are not planned at all. The packages that surprise you do not have to cost a large amount of money either. When it is regarding your patients than just think, without them realizing it what is one thing as a valuable service that you can give to them.  Things like messages on social media making sure that you regularly check up on them and make sure that they feel you genuinely care about them. There are other ways you can do this online, as a doctor have a social media presence where you regularly thank your patients as well.

Set the expectations of your patients

As a doctor, a good option would be a practice called market automation. This an action whereby some of the mundane and routine tasks regarding your market will be handled totally by the software. Since the monitoring and keeping patients updated is a somewhat time-consuming process it needs to be repeated and automation could be making sure that the pace is set much faster compared to any competitors. The automation will allow you to manage the contacts of your patients, send the emails regarding them regularly, schedule the newsletters or other promotions and send reminders about appointments they might have as well.

Promote and build trust with your patients

The practices that are amazing are ones that are totally built upon a foundation of trust. Trust is imperative, and it is priceless. Online you should have good reviews. As a medical professional it would be best if you had an online presence and profile that can be rated. Focus on delivering exceptional service and allow your patients to rate you online to ensure that you keep up a good online presence. The reputation resulting from this will build a relationship of trust with current patients as well as potential future patients.

These are only some of the few ways in which medical professionals can make sure that they are promoting a customer base that is loyal and therefore long-lasting.